My sis-in-law worked there a long time, and I was always trying to pump her for Ferraresse's recipes, but she was good, and didn't tell me any of the big stuff. She said she "thought" there was cream cheese in it....but I'd push more, "yeah, but how to get that consistency?? Do they melt the cheeses?" "Maybe?" was all she said. Finally I just thought I'd grab all the things I thought it might be and mess around with it and see what I could come up with. Trying to recreate the flavor is just a challenge to myself. Also, my kids love processed cheese crap, and I won't buy it for them, so I wanted to come up with a whole (real) food cheese spread. I will STILL buy the real thing when I go to Ferraresse's. For those who cannot go, try this.
Cheese Dip/Spread Ingredients
1 1/2 cups sharp or extra sharp cheddar cheese
1/3 cup cream cheese
dash of beer
several dashes (I used about 15) Tabasco Sauce
1/4 teaspoon powdered garlic or granulated garlic
salt to taste
1 ounce velveeta (for consistency and to mellow the sharpness--taste test without it first, then add a bit)
A FOOD PROCESSOR! That's what ended up being the magic for this for me. I don't know how they do it at the restaurant, but that's what I used and it was what made it all come together, finally!
Shred cheese first, if you put in blocks of cheddar cheese, you will have to blend it too long and it will get a weird, too creamy kind of a thing going on, and will resemble the processed cheese you get in a can. Gross. Put shredded cheese and cream cheese in processor, and pulse until incorporated. Add just a dash of beer. Stronger flavors will work better, because you want the flavor, but not to dilute the cheese. When I say dash I mean, start with a TBL. Add the rest of the ingredients to taste. I like a bite from my Tabasco, so I put a lot in. Blend until smooth, transfer to a container and then chill at least four hours to meld flavors. Overnight is best.
If you aren't pregnant you can eat it with Fritos and real beer, otherwise have a rootbeer.