So, I am not one who is big on New Year's Resolutions. I figure, I know what I need to do, so I'll do it, need for a big production...what's the point of making promises?...they're just promises to myself...just silly...right...? Well, I don't make those promises, and then I don't do any of the things that flit through my head that I ought to be doing. So, as I have gotten older and life has gotten busier, and busier (and busier!) I've taken to making notes to myself. Lo and behold I found that if I put these things I need to do on a list, I check them off...I DO THEM. So, instead of resolutions for twenty twelve, I made a great big list, and then I make little lists everyday to check off. I realize it's only the 11th day of the year, but, so far SO GOOD!
One of my major to-do's is keeping up on a blog. (This one.) I know so little about blogging, that it takes way more time than seems reasonable, but I'll figure the tricks out along the way and hopefully the process will speed up.
This first post is an after-thought, for sure. The title says 2011 Favorites, but there are SO many more than this. A lot has already been archived. I'd like to say that I'll post more, but that's not on my list, currently.
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